Our Basis of Union finds us potentially well resourced, operating from two Worship Centres, at Coldside and at The Steeple and with permission to seek and call two full-time equivalent Ministers of Word and Sacrament, working together and supporting one another in Team Ministry.
Our Vision of Team Ministry
We seek two full-time Ministers of Word and Sacrament who will work closely together, using their complementary gifts in the service of God amongst our congregation by:
- identifying the individual strengths and giftings of each Minister, seeking to share responsibilities based on skills and experience so that the ministry and mission of the congregation is most effectively supported, including the leading of Sunday worship in the two Worship Centres.
- meeting regularly for mutual support and to reflect, pray, vision-build, plan and coordinate the mission and ministry of the congregation.
- being team-players, seeking to nurture and develop the gifts of all in the congregation.
- working closely with Kirk Session, office bearers and other leaders in the congregation to support and further develop our congregation’s strongly collaborative culture ensuring all the roles and duties are covered.
- sharing a key leadership role in leading and supporting the two halves of our new whole, as we find our feet as a united congregation.
- seeking to further develop the shared spiritual and prayer life of the congregation and help all to deepen their faith.
- being committed to the pastoral care of all in the congregation and those associated with it, seeking to ignite and further develop it.
- actively supporting the missional and outreach activities of the congregation including Café Coldside, Parish Nursing and Connections Café.
- working with the congregation, the City Centre Congregational Grouping and other organisations as we seek to serve many in our City Centre and residential Priority Area settings.
- working with all ages across our community to explore new and innovative ways of discovering Christ, of worshipping God, of building a community of faith and of creating a new generation of church.
- seeking and supporting new ways for the congregation to engage with Christians in the University sector and with those new to Scotland.
As per Church of Scotland regulations, one of the Ministry Team will be appointed to serve as Moderator of the Kirk Session, with the other sitting as a member of Kirk Session and taking particular responsibility for supporting aspects of its work. The appointment as Moderator will be based on the skills, experience and wishes of the two Ministers appointed.