Our vision is to be a bible-based, prayerful, worshipping Christian Community serving God in the heart of Dundee.
We seek to be a people:
- who bring the good news of Jesus Christ’s forgiveness, unconditional love and welcome to those living in, working in and visiting our City.
- renewed and prepared for Christian service through spiritual growth in Christ and by training in discipleship and evangelism.
- inspired by God’s love, who respond to the many opportunities for service both in our parish areas and beyond.
- who, seek to use our premises flexibly and creatively and with a particular concern for the most vulnerable members of our community, maintaining safe and welcoming space for everyone irrespective of age, race, nationality, gender, tradition, sexuality, ability, income or health.
- who are committed to nurturing and supporting families and young people within both our church family and the wider community.
- who serve Jesus Christ through appropriate partnerships with other Christian organisations, churches and city agencies and who learn about and support those working in Christ’s name in other parts of the world.
- who recognise the importance of being stewards of creation and our responsibility to take care of the earth.